Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.pubby.servlets

Class Summary
BaseServlet An abstract base servlet for servlets that manage a namespace of resources.
BaseURLServlet An abstract base servlet for servlets that manage a namespace of documents related to a set of resources.
DataURLServlet Servlet for serving RDF documents containing a description of a given resource.
PageURLServlet A servlet for serving the HTML page describing a resource.
PathDataURLServlet A servlet for serving an RDF document describing the blank nodes related to a given resource via a given property.
PathPageURLServlet A servlet for rendering an HTML page describing the blank nodes related to a given resource via a given property.
RequestParamHandler Analyzes an HttpServletRequest to check for the presence of an ?output=n3 or =ttl or =rdfxml request parameter in the URI.
RootServlet A catch-all servlet managing the URI space of the web application.
VelocityHelper A facade class that simplifies using a custom Velocity engine from a servlet.
WebURIServlet Servlet that handles the public URIs of mapped resources.
WebURLServlet A servlet for serving the HTML page describing a resource.